Sunday, February 21, 2010

The end of an Era

Dear Tdisc Nation,

I regret to inform you that as of Sunday, Feb. 21/10 I will be stepping down as author of the blog. Please understand that this was not a decision that was easy for me to make. Tdisc Nation always had and always will have a place in my heart.

Some people will ask did u know it was time? All I can say to that is...You just know! The hours that I have put into those 317 posts were some of the happiest hours of my life. When the blog was formed on Jan. 1/09 I never thought I'd see this day. It was formed as a way of recording, but quickly changed to become a way of inspiring. If one person was inspired through this blog than I have done my job.

I'm the greatest blogger of all time! 18000+ hits earned me rookie of the year in 2009. The stats speak for themselves. All good things must come to an end. I look forward to what's next.

With Great respect for Tdisc Nation,

“Retirement - Because you've given so much of yourself to the company that you don't have anything left we can use.”- Larry Kersten

1 comment:

  1. Not acceptable.
    I hereby request a Tdisc poll to see how many of your loyal readers accept your decision to walk away, and how many want... no... NEED you to forge on!
    Respectfully yours,
    Matty T
