Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tdisc holds short press conference

Before I get to the minutes of last night's press conference i'll talk a little about this mornings run. The word went out yesterday morning that bull patterson had been diagnosed with a concusion that he recieved over the weekend. Yesterday evening the bad news had been confirmed. Details of injury have not been released.

We arrived at the TTF this morning in preparation for our first snow covered sidewalk run of the season, without our coach and our big rookie. So the admiral, captain, and I started our run down towards the trail when we spotted something quite noticeable in the distance. If you ever saw bull patterson driving before then you know exactly what we're talking about. It was large and black....with the lights flickering and the horn honking....It was Bull! Out of the truck jumped bull...."jeez boys...I knew it was going to be close." "Bull where are your mitts?" asked the admiral. "I don't have any admiral." replied bull. "Here I brought an extra pair" the admiral said while handing the mitts to bull. "Bull...should u be running with a concusion?" the captain asked. "I have to run...we have a big run on saturday." The bull replied. He took the tdisc approach to injuries...run the injuries out of you. The run went well....we ran for about 40 minutes and then finished off the workout with a short stretch.

Last night Tdisc scheduled a news conference to introduce John Cusack as Tdisc community relations manager. It was scheduled for 5pm in the TTF lounge. With Tdisc members lounging in the chairs and reporters gathered around pushing...trying to get a better view, I took to the mic to introduce the man of the hour.

TDP: "Good evening. Thank you to all who were able to attend this press conference. We don't have a lot of time...so i'll get right to it. Due to the big week ahead we will not be taking any questions. I speak on behalf of all tdisc when I say that we are ecstatic to be bringing on a man of this caliber. Ladies and Gentleman the stagmaster himself....John Q-bag Cusack!"

CRM: "TDisc, and all supporters,
I, John Q-bag Cusack, consider myself very lucky to be given the opportunity to join the TDisc team. To take part in such an organization is truly a blessing, but to be named Community Relations Manager is more than I could ever ask for. I look forward to working with athletes of this calibur and know that everyday working with Tdisc is something to be treasured. I can only hope I don't fall short of expectations. I was nervous when the vote took place but I think the nacho dip I supplied for the diaper party put me over the top.
All the best Saturday boys!!

"This guy will put us on the map !" -Coach Tdisckree

This is very exciting news. However, I have better news to talk about. We have now reached $1850 in the Tdisc Santa run. Folks...this something special. We are now making daily trips to the mailbox to recieve donations from away. I encourage you to be a part of this. The suits have arrived and we are all ready to run on Saturday. 5 days left to donate!

Till next time,

"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."

-Kahlil Gibran

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