Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tdisc's Big Night!

This blog is brought to you by: Smooth Cycle (The official bike shop of Tdisc)

Thanks to you have the opporutinity to see pictures of Tdisc at the 1st annual Tdisc Santa Claus run.

I'm pleased to announce that donations are still continuing to roll in. Therefore we will not be releasing the final number until tomorrow evening.

We had a great evening last night. All 5 tdisc members dawned Santa Suits and completed a 5k run around Charlottetown in the sub zero temperatures. For myself I never thought that the belly and hair were going to play that much of a factor in the run. I'm a gagger as it is so when the hair got in my mouth I found myself keiled over dry heaving. It was ok though...I hardly missed a stride. Thanks to Greg, my suit stayed in tact throughout the race. Afterwards we spent some time with fellow roadrunners over some chilli. On behalf of Tdisc, again we thank the roadrunners for allowing us to be a part of their race. Thank you for the donations and your kind hospitality. It really added to the whole experience. The people who came to cheer us on and support us however they could...Thank you! Your efforts did not go unnoticed. To our CRM....Great Job on your first event. This is just the first of many. This run would not have been possible without the Santa suits. To those who generously allowed us to use them...Thank You! KRock....Thank you so much for the great plugs. Endless amounts of people told me about them. You are the official Radio Station of Tdisc.

$3400+ speaks for itself. None of this is possible if people aren't willing to give to your cause. To all the donators....We can't thank you enough. It's really truly unbelievable the amount of money that was so generously given. We know of 10 families who are really struggling to get just 1 gift for their kids at christmas. Well thanks to you guys....they have the opportunity to get something for their kids this year.

To Tdisc: We've always said that you have to be a little off your rocker to do what we do day in and day out. The day we thought about running 5k in santa suits for charity and thinking that we were going to get some money...had to be the most far fetched thing that we've ever came up with. Wow! Can you believe it?
I'm extremely blessed to be surrounded by these guys. When we hit our goal of $2000 it was like...."ok...let's get 3000." Like our slogan says "Why Not?"

It was a very special night for tdisc for 2 reasons. 1. of course the 1st annual Tdisc Santa Claus run. 2. We had the opportunity to welcome a fifth member to the team. Below are the minutes of Bull Patterson's innauguration Night.

I TDISCADMIRAL do anoint you BULL PATTERSON the second big gun of
On behalf of Tdisc I accept you into this distinguished group. In this
I entrust that you will be loyal to the team, put the team endeavors in
front of your own, read the blog daily which may include public ridicule
from the author TDISCPYE, follow your captain TDISCGREGGY, listen to
your instructions from the coach TDISCKREE, train through pain and
injuries, and last and most importantly ….. BE ON TIME…..(twist head)
BULL, BE ON TIME…or you’ll be a STEER !!

TDISCADMIRAL : I now ask the fans of Tdisc to raise a hand toward Bull
Patterson and repeat these words.
“ We fans of Tdisc vow to support and encourage BULL PATTERSON. We
now recognize BULL PATTERSON as the fifth member of TDISC.”

TDISCADMIRAL : BULL – Repeat after me.
“ I Josh Bull Patterson accept the distinguished honor of becoming a
member of TDISC. I vow to uphold the following creeds:

Protect the Admiral against all competitors or unruly fans.
Read the blog daily.
Be on time!
Don’t be late for training sessions.

ADMIRAL: Ladies and Gentleman I give you the newest member of TDISC,
and from this day forward he shall be known as ….. TDISCBULL

Till next time,

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible."

- Christopher Reeve

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