Monday, June 1, 2009

The season has begun

I really underestimated how hard this race was going to be on body. As I sit here tonight...I still feel a little tired and just not feeling quite right. My diet is at an alltime worst...I've used this race as a good excuse to eat anything and everything. That could be one reason why i'm not recovering as well.

Saturday was such a high that now it's over it's like a major low. Yesterday I really had trouble coping with the fact that it was over. All that time and work that went into that 3 hours and then it's just like done! The good thing is...we have an even bigger race in a month. My body is telling me just to relax...but my team is saying..."time to get back to work." Today was an optional day and for was an off day. Tomorrow Tdisc continues on with the journey of becoming triathletes. We will meet at the TTF at 6:30am for the traditional Tuesday long run.

When your a human you make mistakes...and i'm admitting to a couple of mistakes that I made involving the results that were posted on Saturday. 1st mistake...Tdisc Superfans won the 6female division...2nd mistake...the team of Jwo and Tbone finished 33rd overall(I forgot to calculate the solo division). From all over us here at we appologize for the troubles we've caused over this. Tdisc is taking action to ensure that this never happens again.

From the Tdisc headquarters at 195 blue heron lane...I'm Tdiscpye...Goodnight Charlottetown!

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself!"- George Bernard Shaw

1 comment:

  1. This is some of the funniest stuff I have ever read on the internet. You boys are hilarious. Great work at the relay! Good luck this season gents.

