Sunday, October 4, 2009

All is well!

"Growing Pains" is what Tdisc is classifying last weeks blowups as. I took my one day suspension like a man and moved on and prepared myself for saturdays long run.

Friday I didn't do anything. I used it as another much needed rest day as the half marathon is only 2 weeks away. Tdisckree and Tdiscgreggy opted for rest as well. The admiral and bull showed up at the pool and went there separate ways. Bull worked on his stroke while the admiral teamed up with Scott for a swim workout that he called "a baggar".

Everyone was in attendance for Saturday's long run. In a move to speed up the pace we added Scott to push the admiral and bull at the front. For most of the morning it was our Captain Tdiscgreggy leading the pack at the front. Tdisckree and I were struggling right from the get go. My legs literally felt like a hundred pounds each. I knew I was in trouble when the sweat was dripping off my hat 20 minutes into the run. I just kept telling myself to hold on at the back. That I would eventually get into a rhythem. Much to my surprise I had tdisckree right beside me in the same boat. It was about the 7k mark that I started to get into a rhythem. I felt really well as we made the turn up towards admiral's water station. The boys continued to push the pace at the front leading to the coach getting dropped. After a quick water break we were back onto NR road and the pace increased. Bull was late for work! So he took off with Scott on his heals. The admiral and Tdiscgreggy settled in not far behind and I paced at the back with Tdisckree. I personally felt the best I did all day around the 12k mark. My legs felt great! Bull put the hammer down late and pulled away from everyone. We did 16k in about 1h 15m. For me, that's the pace i'm looking for in 2 weeks. My goal is to pace at 1h 40m and try to come in on fumes below that.

It was a good day for Tdisc. It was a prime example that guys struggle on different days. Some days you don't prepare properly and you just don't have it. 2 weeks from today is the final race of the season. I look forward to getting back at it tomorrow. The tapering faze has begun.

Till next time,

"I tell our runners to divide the race into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart." -Mike Fanelli

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