Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friggen Food!

Last night my food addiction took a turn for the worst. I was doing great...had one plate of turkey dinner then just one piece of desert. I was thinking this is going well...it's all under control. Then came the bowl of yogurt covered almonds and the bowl of pumkin candies that were in the fancy sitting room. I think it was about the time of the marathon talk that I began double fisting the candy dish. It got ugly! I don't even like the pumkin candy...they're disgusting! Yet I continued to pluck away at them. It was when I layed down to go to sleep that I realized...I had too much. My stomach was turning...and it continued to turn in the morning. At the time I was convinced that it was the right move to stay in bed. At 8:30 when I got a text from the captain saying "Where were you?" I knew I made a poor choice. I just answered back with "sorry captain." He continued to give me a much needed text tongue lashing.

I missed not being with tdisc today and getting in my swim. The days just aren't the same when you miss a training session. I'm kinda a little uneasy about the run on sunday. I just hope i'm mentally ready because I know i'm going to want to quit in the first 10k.

As taper week continues we will have a light jog and longer stretch.

What the fans don't know: I listened to Miley Cyruses "The Climb" 5 times while blogging.

Till next time,

"If your gonna screw up, do it while you're young. Older you get, the harder it is to bounce back."

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