Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tensions rise at TTF

"Tensions Rise at TTF ? "
Coach downplays apparent team blow up.

Coach TDisckree prepared statement :

" There are no problems on Tdisc that anyone outside the circle needs to worry about including the media. Some things will occur that need to be kept within the team. It is no ones business what transpired today (including our wives.) Today I would characterize as "family growing pains." There was a communication breakdown between myself and the team based on expectations for the day. The captain brought this to my attention immediately and the team dealt with it in a prompt manner. Tensions did escalate quickly and all members were barking, but it was good to clear the air. This is all I will say about today."

"I would like to announce the Tdiscpye placed on the 7 day injured reserve retro-active to last friday. This will scratch him from tomorrows workout."

"I would also like to clarify that Jason Flick may be re-joining the team over the coming month. I met with him today at Maritime Electric, and he expressed his interest in re-joining the team but has to iron out family comitments first."

Tdiscadmiral, Tdiscgreggy "C", and the Bull all declined to speak to the public at this point in time. However I sent out a statement earlier this afternoon.

Dear teIam Tdisc,

This morning at work I had lots of time to think about what happened this morning. I went from anger to embarrassment. I realize that I was the root of the problem this morning. I understand the decision made by the team to suspend me for conduct detrimental to the team. I accept my suspension and will not be going forward with my appeal. Thank you Tdisc board of directors for your decision.

I'd like to apologize to our Captain. I didn't deserve a running partner this morning. Bryan told me to frig around and try and take someone down with me. The problem is that your too good of a captain. You stuck by a lame duck. I thank you for that...and it won't happen again.

To the rookie. There is a lot of pride on this teIam. As you can see...Tdisc does care! 2 guys get dropped on a 5k loop and there is a heated verbal exchange. I was extremely disappointed in myself when I came home and received your email. I'm sorry for dissing your high five this morning. It was very inappropriate.

To the admiral. Sorry...I did nothing today to better your chances of going to the olympics.

To the coach. What about a warmup for hard 5k's? Still no excuse for today.

To the full team and fans. I've been terrible this week. Physically I'm sore...mentally I'm frigged. I signed a contract with myself today.

I Tdiscpye hereby state that I will not eat till I am sick anymore. Chocolate bars, chips, and almonds will not be breakfast items for me. I Tdiscpye will defeat food addiction. I Tdiscpye will never again show up to a workout as Bryan. I Tdiscpye will no longer burden my teIam with my personal problems . I Tdiscpye will say thanks to the teIam when they drop me on runs. I love Tdisc!

Signed: Tdiscpye

Overlooked by today's events was the post by Bull Patterson. Be sure to check it out.

Till next time,

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” -Henry Ford

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