Monday, February 2, 2009

Captain Confirmed for Fredericton

Getting up this morning was a real struggle. I had a very lazy off day yesterday and wasn't sure if it was really that good for me. I didn't get to bed in great it left me this morning waking up thinking....should I just tell the boys to go on without me today. I didn't lay in bed long....the thought of being this far into it just won't allow me to quit now. So I left and arrived at the TTF in great time.

The big 4 arrived not long after me....and we proceeded to prepare for the workout. We decided during a low point last week that we would have a split day on monday. This would give me a chance to work on my running and Tdiscgreggy a chance to improve his biking. The admiral and I were once again paired up. I will admit I was a little nervous for the run considering that last time I was left alone to run with him I got hurt and ended up nursing an injury for about 2 months. Much to everyone's surprise....the admiral didn't take off and we had a nice 5 k run. When I told this to Tdisckree he responded..."He must be hurt". We found out later he had a pd day so there was no he didn't have to rush.

We joined back together for the swim. We all had a great swim...we swam for about a half an hour. We did a mixture of drills...useing flippers to pool buoys. On a side note...2 more people got T'd up today. When they noticed 2 members of the big 4 had no place to swim, they hopped out and hit the there lane up. I think they knew the admiral.

Today I recieved written statements from a few of the Tdisc members. I will release them in the order they came in.

Written by Tdisct(on probation) at 10:31
Firstly, I'm a bit scared to ask but my Tuesday morning class has been moved to Monday evenings and I was wondering if I could partake in the event tomorrow morning? Considering I have only run once so far since the 'accident' I would in no way what so ever be racing, but I would like to witness TTT ( ie. terrifying tactical Tuesday) and perhaps in some small way, be a part of it.
Secondly, there has been a lot of reference in the blog lately to tdisct (on probation) accepting her role. I have no idea what anyone is talking about. All I know is that my role has long ago been clearly defined: mediator. Since the tumultuous birth of Team Discover back in September, I have been called upon many times to help make peace in the group. On several occasions I have prevented TdiscGreggy from slashing the tires of the Admirals bike parked in the garage (all of which were just days after the infamous bike ride where Greggy was left in the dust). What would of happened to the team had I not intervened? Many hundreds of times I was forced to sedate the admiral to keep him from being thrown in the 'hollow' down the street. Whether it be the price of pool passes, the price of gas to get to the pool, that his knee hurt from wearing what were formally known as sneakers now worn down to just pure mesh, whether his goggles leaked, or if Greggy did not wake up fast enough, whether we were out of granola bars or he set the fire alarm off making toast....I was there to calm and then if need be, forcefully sedate him. I feel that until post Fredricton, my true role will remain the same. Let's not ruin a good thing.


Written By Tdisckree at 10:54
It seems as if "Admiral" is showing up more frequently at workouts. The Admiral is insane, relentless, determined, tempermental, high strung, and sometimes destructive to himself and those around him. However, his alter-ego John Brioux is a good fella and good teammate. In a perfect world, John Brioux would always be present at home with you and TDISCGREGGY and John Brioux would show up before the workouts and after. This would make things peaceful and safe. This is probably only wishful thinking...because as the racing season draws near the Admiral will show up more and more frequently. This is also a good thing for TDISC because TDISC is not a threat on the circuit without the machine known as "The ADMIRAL". When the Admiral shows up at workouts...we work ! When the Admiral hits the track...we RUN ! When the Admiral gets on the bike ... we pedal ! And when the ADMIRAL shows up in Fredericton ...I'll tell those around me on the starting line....."GET OUT OF HIS FRIGGIN WAY !"Trace...good luck at home.


Written by Tdiscgreggy "C" at 12:34
There has been some breaking news in T.Discgreggy training schedule. As most know through many years of physical play in hockey and the lovely years of rugby at UPEI, has come with a price. After 2 breaks and 2 fractures, it was time for wrist surgery. This came to his attention January of 08, and with the schedule surgery date at march 09 it was going to be a huge set back just in the midst of training for the biggest race of his and the rest of TDisc’s lives. This has been hanging over his head since day one, and has always been a constant obstacle to overcome. This was until yesterday when he received a phone call saying that his surgeon decided to take his vacation in March, which means his surgery was pushed back to June 29th. This being 6 days before Fredericton, so T.Discgreggy was disappointed but also very excited his training will not be interrupted. So he called to get it moved back because there is no way he is going to go all this way and bow out a week before the race, so this is where his Captain attitude took over. Our medical system is f*cked and since he refuses to miss his first ever triathlon, T.Discgreggy will now have to wait three years until 2012 to get this surgery done. If this is not commitment to his team, he does not know what it. This is just a example of the depth of T.Disc, because it is a lifestyle.

“ Effort only full releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”

148 days in! I still can't believe we've lasted this long. Were nearly half way there. I was given a good pep talk today while buying a pair of new sneakers. "you know you'll finish the hard u work in training will determine where you will finish." Mr. Hashem

Till next time,

"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war. "-- Hyman G. Rickover 1986

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