Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tdisc goes to new level in the pool

I woke up today feeling extremely tired...yesterdays 2 a day was tough on the body. By the time I woke up...checked the preds boxscore, and was time to leave. I didn't get breakfast so I convinced my traveling partner(tdisckree) to stop and get me a bagel. The comment that was made a few times on the way in was..."frig...were late...the admiral is going to kill us." Tdisckree once said "Man I hope I don't have to replace the door at the TTF." Things were quite calm when we arrived...everyone was kind of groggy. We cruised through a quick weights circuit then headed for the pool. For the first time in a while I was a little nervous for the swim....but this time it wasn't about was about wearing my new trunks that were xxl and looked like a small. I found an article in the paper today that will sum up today's swim. If this article was in video it would have be x rated. enjoy.

The Guardian
"Sneak Peak at TDISC Training Wear."
Charlottetown - Today was a very low key workout for the big four. They participated in a weight circuit and swim. Intensity improved dramatically throughout the workout and the team actually extended their "school of fish" training drill to 4 repetitions. Team looked very much in sync in the water today and there was little "foot tickling"(swimming term for hitting lead swimmers feet with hands.) On a day with little drama, the new swimwear of TDISC was worn by two of the members. Tdisckree and Tdiscpye fashioned the new sleek YING FA swimming shorts. The media and fans on site were a buzz for all of the 7 seconds it took for the two members to get into the water. It was evident that they wanted to spend little time modeling them. A few comments from the big four were "they don't leave much to the imagination," "those are xxl ?", " I hope Trace got me a bigger pair then those," " Wow tdiscpye, they are even tigher from the back." It was confirmed that tdisc will stick with the YING FA swimwear for the duration of their "09 Training. Tdiscgreggy and Tdiscadmiral's two pairs are on route from China and the big four will be matching by late next week. The swimwear will be beneficial in and out of the water. They have less drag in the water which allows for faster times. Out of the water, they are quite revealing so little time will be spent chit-chatting on the pool deck....More time will be spent in the pool.
Just another example of Tdisc going to the next level and moving outside of their comfort zone.

Don Morrison

Tommorow were back to spin class. It's always great because you know your going to get a good hard, structured workout and it's near the end of the week. I look forward to tommorow. A schedule has been reached for the next few days. I'll post it at the bottem.

Till next time,

"Anyone can get into a pool, do a few laps and say yehh i train. But when you put in the effort and determaination and you are standing on the podium. Then you can say, yehh i trained for this." -Emma

Tommorrow - Spin Class - after Greggy will do 5 x 10 squats, 2 x 15 walking lunges. Pye will swim 20 minutes continuous, Admiral can do whatever he wants, and I will be leaving after spin because I have to go to Moncton.
Friday - Starting at 630 - 12k Run outdoors (Slow) - Pye map us out one.
Saturday - Long Bike at TTF and Core.
Sunday - Off

1 comment:

  1. Let's cut the chit chat - where are the pictures?!?!

    -Tdiscfan North Carolina
