Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow day

It's been kind of a screwed up day today. I was unable to get out my road till 10 so I missed the morning workout then had to rush to work. I was wokin up at 6:15 by a phone call then the same psycho called back at 7:15. I didn't end up getting a workout in today...which I don't think will hurt to much. Race day....break....spin isn't a bad scheddy. Not much to repot on my end so I'm going to hand the blog over to Capt. Tdiscgreggy.

Till next time,

"Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching." - Thomas Jefferson

T.Disc is proud of Tdiscpye for spreading his wings and buying a ticket to Japan. We did not thing it would be in the budget but so happy he bought it all himself, that is a long way to travel to promote the legacy of T.Disc. We talked about our hopes for the Maritimes and in the future Team Canada but it is quite a leap from TTF to go international with awareness of T.Disc. Also the man that keeps us entertained with always creative blogs. Thank you T.Discpye.
On to serious business, it was not just the stir crazy that is getting the admiral all worked up. It is the constant pressure and chirps going his way. Not only has the admiral pushed us to lengths we would have been months away from reaching, along with training hurt, but he is also shouldered months of abuse. For that we thank the Admiral.
TDisckree, he had a rough day yesterday for his self esteem, he seemed to name positive things about every member of T.Disc and mentioned how he will fall under the radar with “his not flashy sneakers” and he not being the admiral, blog leader or team Captain. But we are forgetting some things that do fly under the radar, Tdisckree has retired 6 times, has had more breakdowns, and has went from not swimming 6 strokes without puking in the spa pool to keeping the admiral in check. Without him there would be no TTF, and we would go every morning with no idea what we are doing. Tdisckree has planned out almost every workout in advance and sticks to it. He also battles through a bowel problem. For this we thank the TTFL, T.Disckree.
The big 4 are the big 4 because of what we all bring to the team, without any member none of this could have taken place. I had a great day at work today, with big news of my surgery getting booked in perfect time for the off season or work and triathlons. But it was not the same without seeing T.Disc and starting the day off without a great workout.
Upset about no workout together today, and even more excited for tomorrow.

“After a day of rest for T.Disc, god help the back row tomorrow”

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