Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just another day

Not much to report on the Tdisc front today. I had a great day swimming and running with the admiral. Tdisckree(work) and Tdiscgreggy(work) were both absent from today's workout.
Tdiscadmiral and I did 1500 meters of swimming than went for a 45 min. jog on the track. We faced a bit of adversity today in the pool and on the track. When you don't have a full squad people try to push Tdisc around. Walkers were going 3 wide by times trying to frig Tdisc up. overall we had a pretty good run. I felt great in both places today.
Tommorow would usually be an off day for Tdisc but with the way the week has gone.....some took friday off and some didn't. I know Tdisckree is opting for another off day...but I am going to swim and bike on the indoor trainer. No word yet from the remainder of the team.
Quiet days like we had today really show that Tdisc is becoming focused on the job at hand. We've settled into a bit of a groove. Our bodies are starting to really adjust to the training and we know where we are and where we want to be. There's not enough time to frig around anymore...the season is right around the corner.
Valentine's day usually puts me into a funk...but I think Tdisc will be enough to keep me out of it this year. Hopefully tommorow will be another good day leading into monday. Happy friggen Valentine's day.

Till next time,

"It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all."


  1. The walkers on the track have been a source of adversity for me as well. Today I faced two soccer teams (I think I clipped a few) as well as ladies who, only walking two wide, would manage to force the sideways half turn while passing them.

  2. ya...they don't quite understand the middle passing's not as bad if they are 2 wide it's when they go 3 wide and don't move until your behind them for a minute.
    The author
