Saturday, January 31, 2009
"you guys don't stop"
Our run was a nice end to the week. We did a light 35 minute jog on the track. I felt great throughout the run...I was really loose for the first time in awhile. We finished with a relaxing stretch....a much needed stretch as some of the boys were feeling the effects of the week.
Were meeting some great people along our journey to fredericton. You have a lot of respect for people who are doing what we are doing day in and day out. We are starting to see a lot of familiar faces around the TTF.
" thing we know were going to be picking the relay teams." One of the big 4 said while getting cleaned up after the workout. The realization is starting to set in that we aren't that far away anymore...were in the year of the triathlon.
Missing from the workout today was Tdisckree(work). He has opted to take today off and go with a workout tommorow. For the rest of the team we are off till monday! Enjoy the superbowl.
Till next time,
"Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret!" ~ Anonymous
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tdisc on edge leading into the weekend
Today we decided to add sprints to our half an hour jog. We'd sprint a half lap then jog...then sprint a lap...then jog. It was pretty tough but I felt like it was a good change. When we finished Tdisckree and I decided it was best we take 5 minutes and stretch...but Tdiscgreggy and the admiral decided to skip the stretch and head right to the pool.
when we were heading to the pool Tdisckree said "you watch...the admiral has a bad attitude and he's late...he'll be just pounding out the laps." Much to our surprise the admiral was perched up in what used to be known as Tdiscgreggy corner....friggin with his goggles. So we jumped in and started doing some drills. I felt good swimming today but i'll admit that I was a little thrown off having a person on each side of me wizzing by me like twice a lap. As I was taking a couple of breaths all I could hear was a loud vulger tirade coming out of Tdiscgreggy corner. It was the is what I caught. "This is the last #&@%*$@ time I stop swimming for a week. I'm @#$&@$# brutal today." At 7:45 Tdiscadmiral exited the pool...hurling the pull buoy out into the middle of the aqua aerobics. Tdiscadmiral's swim today could easily be compared to the one back in October when Tdisckree was cutting him off at the spa. As for the rest of the team we had a pretty good swim. We got some great tips from a fellow triathlete Scott. By the way Tdisc thanks you for that Scott. We all exited the pool at around the same time with spirits pretty high....with lots of talk about this summers circuit.
Tommorow shapes up to be a good one. Tdisc may be looking to make another statement.
Till next time,
"Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great? " -Jimmy Johnson
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Business as usual
Everyone declined to stop for questions today except for the captain. Tdiscgreggy still feeling the runners high was asked how the day went for tdisc. "The big four were back in action today and did they ever look determined. They took the spin class and ran away with it, either T.DiscT(on probation) was not feeling like giving a hard workout this morning, or T.Disc stepped up and destroyed it. After a hard workout the boys jumped off the spin bikes and hit the track for a photo opt. Sweaty, tired, thirsty T.Disc still managed to step it up and throw the smile up for the camera. Even while going straight from the bikes to the run. I am not only confident that T.Disc will be successful in their Triathlon career they will look dam good doing it."
After this was released on the 3 o'clock news...rumours immediatly began to swirl following the calling out team spin leader Tdisct(on probation) by captain Tdiscgreggy. Will this spell the end for Tdisct(on probation). A source close to the team has said that she is working on a female team and is slowly coming to grips with role.
With the indoor sprint tri only 2 days away...we look to continue the momentum with a run and swim tommorow. Fridays have become kind of a safe haven for the team since the start...and I expect nothing different tommorow. Saturdays? Could be a good day to read the blog.
Be sure to check the pictures from this morning photo opt. They are posted in the right hand column. Also if u haven't voted...there is only a few days left. We recieved one application already for the tdiscw team. If u think u have what it takes please get in contact with tdisct(on probation).
till next time,
All the miles of a hard road are worth a moment of true happiness" - Arnold Lobel
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tdisc cruises through hump day
The Guardian
By. Don Morrison
"TDISC COMPLETES LOW-KEY WORKOUT ON WEDNESDAY"All quiet in the gym but talks of organizational changes coming.
Charlottetown :TDISC finally had a low-key, low drama workout. There were no retirements, no violent outbursts, and for the most part no issues to speak of besides the team putting in a solid weight workout followed by a swim. Tdiscgreggy and tdisckree once again were paired together. There chummy relationship in "09 has led many to believe that the teams have been selected for the Red Island Relay. Tdiscadmiral did leave TTF ahead of schedule but officials said it was a routine dental appointment that he had to get to. Apparently, tdiscadmiral had a steel plate put in his mouth on tuesday. Team Veterinarian DR. Carey stated that it was the first time she'd done work on a human, but that it was a routine procedure that is commonly done to highly tempermental race horses who grit their teeth during races. Dr. Carey stated " He's basically a race horse in a humans body..." In the pool, tidiscpye and tdiscgreggy were forced into a lane with another swimmer and played a few length of pool-chicken...where they would generate speed toward each other and then at the mid-way point zig zag around one another. The other swimmer in the lane then exited the pool and was the latest to be "T'D UP" 3 Members of the big 4 met in the hot tub following the training session and it is believed all the talk was on "organizational changes." No official statements have come from the team, but speculation has it that tdisct (on probation) will be dropping the probation label and will be moved to Coach/Captain of TDISC affiliate team TDISC-W. TDISC may also announce a big name Publicist and Marketing Director...names floating around for this position include Jared Stretch (Smooth Cycle), Bob Gray (Canada Games 2009), and Flickthis (Blog Member). TDISC has also made it known that they have started looking for a swim coach. However, team members have not been able to settle on who would make a perfect candidate. When asked what they were looking for in a swim coach the members had this to say - TDISCPYE "I'd like someone who can deal with all the egos and different attitudes on TDISC." TDISCREGGY said " I want a motivator...someone who's gonna get in my face at the end of the pool and get me going." TDISCKREE suggested " I'd like someone whos a real tactician who can break down our stroke efficiency." TDISCADMIRAL had a little different take " If we can get someone who'll come out for free that would be good...or else really cheap."
Like I said before...Tdisc isn't a's a family, and this thing we call triathlon training isn't a's a lifestyle. It's 4 men trying to change our lives and the lives of others.
According to the hit counter on my says my blog has been hit over 200 times in the past 2 days. That is absolutely startling. We as a team would love to know who is following this blog. Members of the team have asked if you could send us a little message just to let us know who u are. We may be able to work something out where you can meet Tdiscadmiral. You can email me at and i'll pass it on to the team.
Tommorrow is a big day for Tdisc. It is the first ever Tdisc photoshoot. During spin class tdisct(on probation) will snap a few shots of the big 4 in action....then there will be a team picture to follow.
Also if you think u have what it takes to be a member of tdisc then please email as well. I have recieved one email asking for an application. People who apply early will be givin the first opportunity IF Tdisc expands.
It shapes up to be a good day tommorow for Tdisc. Hopefully the snow holds off.
Till next time,
"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live" - Flora Whittemore
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tdiscpye train still traveling south bound!
For the first time in awhile every member of tdisc addressed the media. Tdiscadmiral used his time to plead to his teamates. "I could feel the air brewing as soon as we were into our second lap andI'm not sure why? Last week was so good. Why is this week different? I know it's hard boys but there are going to be alot more days where wefeel we can't do this thing. We have to stay positive and committedeven on the worse of days." Tdiscadmiral wasn't his usual psycho self. A source close to Tdiscadmiral told us that he didn't like the fine he got last time....he just couldn't afford to explode again.
Tdisckree didn't last long at the podium. "Tdisc...i'd say we're frigged. me(coach) and greggy(captain) are gonna meet today at ttf and there's gonna be widespread changes." Were not sure what happened to him today...he was spotted leaving the public facilities twice during the run. A bad batch of frosted flakes?
Then it was time for the inspirational captain to step to the podium. Like Tdiscadmiral he decided to use his time to speak right to Tdisc. "T.Disc as the admiral pointed out, we are a team. Not everyday will be easy and that is why we train everyday, I know there is days we don’t feel like getting out of bed, or feel like coming in of the -30 weather to work your balls off. But we are T.Disc and as a member of the “Big Four” I refuse to let this negativity creep into our world. As T.Discpye mentioned the blog is getting 120 hits a day. This does not mean that the blog is more important than T.Disc, because without T.Disc there would be no blog!
Great scheddy Kree, I love getting the scheddy because I know what I can look forward to the next day!! T.Disc for life!" I think Tdiscgreggy took a personal shot at me...being the author of the blog. I understand where he is coming from...I have spent just as much time blogging as training. When the Captain speaks I listen....i'm not going to ease back on the blog....i'm going to increase the training.
Tdisct(on probation) in a phone interview with Ian hennamansing had this to say. "Being on probation from this team is a constant ride on an emotionalrollercoaster. " Her experience and encouragement has really helped the team so far. With Talk of expansion she may be asked to lead a Tdisc female squad. An unnamed member of Tdisc was quoted as saying. "I'm not sure she can except her role with the team." A meeting will be held later in the week to discuss this situation.
Please, please, please vote. We could really use the feedback in our weekly team meeting. Thanks to those who are encouraging me through these tough days. Also, if you are a daily follower be sure to join our tdisc fan page, or send us a message so we can encourage u.
Till next time,
“Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.”
-Charles M Shulz
Schedule for Next two weeks : w-weights/swim th - bike/3k run f- sprints/swim sat- mintri sun- off m- pye and admiral - 5 krun, greggy&me 30 minute bike.--- all swim t - bike 20 min(sprints) / run 35-40 min w - weights/swim th- bike/ 3 k run f - pye&kree run 5 k, greggy&admiral 30 minute bike - all swim sat- off sun - minitri. monday - 40 min bike/weights - on own. This is the scheddy...non-negotiable.
Monday, January 26, 2009
mind games
Tdisc did not address the media I don't have much info to give on the team. However I will discuss my situation.
I'm really struggling with the fact that i'm the weakest link on Tdisc. I just feel like i'm not progressing enough to begin my triathlon career in Fredericton. I know i'm eventually going to do one...but i'm not sure if I can get myself where I need to be to start with the team on July 5. I don't know if my team wants me there because it would be better to do as a group or if it would comfort them knowing they at least won't finish last. There is no doubt in my mind that Tdisc will become a force to be reconned with....I just don't know when or who or how many.
Tdisc has been toying with the idea of expansion...and if so then how many? The big 4 has been torn on this subject. It is a hot topic that needs to be addressed in the near future. Were looking for a little feedback from u the fans. What direction would u like to see Tdisc go in. The poll will be posted in the right hand column.
It's been one of those days for me....time to go get ready for the morning. Hopefully tommorow is one of those other days.
Till next time,
“The bottom line is that blogging is like sex. You can’t fake it. You can’t fake passion. You can’t fake wanting to engage with the public. If you do, it will ultimately be an unsatisfying experience for both the blogger and their readers.” -Kevin Anderson
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Recovery Sunday
From what I hear Tdiscgreggy celebrated his night off after the successful mini tri with a few pops after his game.
Tdiscadmiral was banging on our door before our wake up call this morning. "Get up boys i've been up for an hour." He sat down then got up and whipped the curtains open. "Boys yas can sleep when your dead...i'm starvin." Then tdisckree piped up "You gotta relax...triathletes when they have time to rest they are supposed to rest." Eventually we had a good breakfast then went and relaxed.
Oh ya by the way Tdiscadmiral is 29 Today! He's in the prime of his career. But like one follower said he does need to cool his jets. We can't figure how tdist(on probation) doesn't slap him every morning.
Tdisc is back at it tommorow. Bodies feel great after the indoor sprint tri.
till next time,
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -abraham Lincoln
Saturday, January 24, 2009
System Shocked!
I personally felt pretty good...It's tough because my biggest strength is the bike and when doing the indoor mini's there is little focus on the bike. So my 2 and 3 events are what's drawing the most attention. I like it really shows me where i'm at in those 2 events. As long as I don't retire doing them then I'll be alright. I like the quote..."what doesn't kill ya will only make you stronger."
Tdisc showed a lot of people today that were in it for the long haul. This isn't just a fairy tale's an autobiography of our careers. Competition says see you at fredericton...we say meet us at mit '10.
Off day coming for the boys tommorow as we are on the road with hockey.
A house keeping note to inform yas of....Tdisc is proud to announce they have named Tdiscgreggy the first captain in team history. Congratulations Tdiscgreggy.
Till next time,
"I don't pretend to be a captain...weird. I just do what I do."
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tensions run high
We started out with a tough workout session at the TTF. For some reason I got paired up with Tdiscadmiral. I knew I was in trouble the moment he looked at his watch and said "Let's pick it up...were late." It was good though because I was a little sluggish and this way I had to do everything and do it fast or risk getting a weight of the side of the head. We actually worked pretty well together, starting the rumours of teams being set for the Red Island Relay. It is when it came time for the swim that everything went south.
Tdiscgreggy was the only member to address the media today. When asked about the swim at the house that tdiscadmiral built, he had this to say. "I felt great, and everyone looked and swam great. But there was one point when I finished a lap and thought that T.Discpye was looking for loose change? But later told me he was doing a flip turn???
After the swim is when the drama started! I missed the first part of the conversation, and so I will leave it to T.Disckree to fill us all in on how it went down……. All I will say was there was a lot of yelling, and some serious tension amongst T.Disc! This tension may or may not have led to physical acts from the admiral towards the manager of CARI pool about swim lane times on Saturday!!!
I struggled in the pool today. I just didn't feel good and knowing that were only 126 days away...negativity krept into my head. I just felt as though my stamina wasn't there to do a long distance. At one point I caught myself hanging off the rope daydreaming when Tdisckree roared down "come on back now". So at the end of the swim we decided to try doing the flip turn. I just couldn't seem to do I just tried doing a summersault. Negativity was really creeping into my head now. So I did the summersault and that's when I hit rock bottem. I regrouped and got myself over to the side of the pool and started blowing out my nose as hard as I could. It honestly felt like I had been snorting flames. So that was my Q to exit the pool.
So Tdisckree and I head to the showers where Tdiscadmiral already is. We start to discuss my poor performance and then the convo turned to tommorows workout. It was brought up that we may not be able to swim at the hours we wanted to. That is when tdiscadmiral snapped . He was quoted as saying "Do they know who we are? We @#$$&@# own this place! Great we can't @#&%*@ swim tommorow!" Just picture the movie old school with will ferrell in the lockerroom....Tdiscadmiral being will ferrell. A lot of locker slamming was going on. Anyways cooler heads eventually prevailed...once he left...and we came up with tommorow's workout. Were going to do a indoor sprint triathlon...the only difference will be that we will run 5k then bike for 30 min. then swim 30 lengths. It is a good way for us to really shock the system.
As you might see Tdiscadmiral has not addressed the media in 8 days. Speculation is that Tdisc has issued the muzzel effect on Tdiscadmiral. After his last meltdown he recieved a stern warning from the team about his out of training antics. He is scheduled to address the media on monday of next week. We'll see if it happens.
A few housekeeping notes to bring u up to date on. I'm not sure of the exact date but there will be a Tdisc mixure coming in the near future. It will give you the fans a chance to meet your favorite Tdisc member. Also feel free to comment on the blogs...We can use the comments for's you the fans that keep this thing going.
Till next time,
"As long as I breathe I attack."
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tdisc spins itself back into a routine
We Started back on a spin class day. Tdisct(on probation) put us through another vigorious workout. Tdiscgreggy had this to say about the start to spin class. "Right out of the blocks pain was no where’s in sight, when the hardest spin class of the year was today. Just when T.Disct (on probation) had us on our toes peddling like crazy she could not even get “lets take it up one more” out before like clockwork T.Disc was already up one."
I personally was legs felt great but I was really feeling the effects of the cheesecake factory. We finished hard on the bikes then like usual went to the track and ripped off a 2 k run. Tdisckree had this analogy of our performance after coming off a 5 day layoff. "At the start the engine was smoking and back-firing, the first few yards she was squeeking, but baby when she settled in she was one powerful machine. And with that folks the old TDISC TRAIN is back in high gear with the Admiral perched up on the Conductors seat. Oh by the way...When the train took off down the track at UPEI the Admiral stuck his head out the window and exclaimed "ALL ABOARD.............NExT STOP - FREDERICTON."
Overall it was an extremely positive day....leading us into a very tough month ahead. We have made a lot of statements but I have a feeling the biggest one is yet to come.
A little house keeping notes....thank you to those who voted in last weeks polls. Most guessed wrong ...Tdisc has not been bought out nor have any members been asked to run in the gold cup and saucer. The answer was Tdisc has set a 10 year goal. I have been requested not to release the details until they are verified by the team. Also 2 new polls will be posted shortly.
The team would also like to give a shout out to Bob Gray. We missed that driving force in the back row today. Hope to see you back next week.
Till next time,
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." -Michelangelo
Monday, January 19, 2009
Vacation Update
Continue to spread the word about the facebook tdisc fan club page. 70 more members and Tdiscadmiral will join facebook. Thanks to those who voted in last weeks poll....a new one will be posted on wednesday when the team gets back into it's drive for mit '10.
Till next time,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tdisc sets goals not limits
Tdisckree and I will be taking off until wednesday. Are running clothes are packed and will be used during our stay in Nashville. I will continue to blog while i'm down there and try to give updates on whats going on at home. Tdiscgreggy and tdiscadmiral will keep me posted on the events that happen at the TTF(Tdisc training facility).
On a side note....just incase anyone was wondering...It is 3761 miles to Vancouver.
Off till Nashville we go.
Till next time,
"I know that you can do the impossible" -Terry Fox
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tdisc opts for rest
On a side note, I spoke for the team and told TdiscT(on probation) if she can’t bring what she did last week, TDisc as a team will teach the spin class. Cause that is what we do, we step up! When the chips are down, TDisc always prevails!"
About that spin class. Word has it that Tdisct(on probation) will lead it. With one day off before a vacation look for another statement to come tommorow.
Thanks to all who voted in last weeks poll. 57% think that a man jumping out to a huge lead then drowning will be the headline after fredericton.
Also a shout out to Buddy Frizzell who commented on the blog. She says she's a daily follower of Tdisc. Tdisc thanks you for your support.
You might have heard about the latest phenomenon. It's the tdisc fan club page on sure to sign up early to gaurentee yourself a spot on the page.
Till next time,
“It's the fans that need the training. You gotta get 'em interested. Wake 'em up and let 'em know that their season is coming, the good times are gonna roll.” - Harry Carey
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tdiscadmiral holds off a tired field for first win in '09
All members had a chance to meet with the media after. Tdisckree was the first to step to the podium and refering to Tdiscadmiral he had this to say. "Last night was a full moon. My dad has told me and others on several occassions that he can tell when a bull or any other animal is gonna go nuts. He says there is a certain look in their eye. He can't explain it but says you know when you see the look. Boys, I shoulda come right out and warned yas this morning when I saw that look in the Admirals eye on lap 1 when he took to the front and set his watch.
Next up was Tdiscgreggy. Rumblings were going around about Tdiscgreggy being upset about Tdiscadmiral useing public embarrassment as a way of punishing him for being late. Tdiscgreggy took his time to appologize and clear the air. "I was a little late and I apologize for that. It was a good tough run, solid pace. Today as I watched the admiral pick up the pace when I stopped to tie my shoe, it brought back night mares of our September bike ride when I was left in the dust. I have been revaulating my performance today, and I needed to be left behind today because it put me back in place and shows me how much more work is needed."
Tdiscadmiral released a short statement than proceeded to the showers. "To all T.Disc members,I just want to apologize for brining the team down on monday. I did not want to be there. I thoroughly enjoy sleeping in on mondays and getting ready for the busy week ahead. Sometimes in life there are sacrafices that one needs to make. I have realized that this is one of them. Just a side note: I was not trying to lap Tdiscgreggy today, I needed to make up for yesterdays performance. "
It was on the way to the showers when the fireworks happened. Tdiscadmiral was confronted by a reporter about his lack of leadership lately. Before u knew it they were face to face pushing by the pool windows. Eventually tdiscadmiral was restrained by bob and mathew. While they had him pinned up against the window he let out a profanity laced tirade. Followed by the following statement. "Your messing with the wrong guy....u don't want to mess with me...i'll tell you what....fredericton....july and I have a date with my victory speech. Don't miss it!"
The team seems to be improving but it's coming at a price. The integrity of the team. After talking to a few members it looks as though a more positive performance will come tommorow.
Till next time,
"The trouble with the rat race is that even when you win, you're still a rat."-Lily Tomlin
Monday, January 12, 2009
Roomate to the rescue
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The end of a good week!
Tdisc overcame some early week drama to throw out a statement to the world. We took a step in the right direction this week and I expect the same next week.
In a side note there were two people who swam in the lane beside us today trying to size us up. They competed hard...but in the end they got "T.Disced".
till next time,
"Mess with the best...drown with the rest"
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Business as usual
Missing from the workout were: Tdisckree(work committment)
TdiscT(on probation)(concussion)
Till next time,
P.s. Just a reminder that the polls will be ending sure to get your vote in before they close. Also Tdisc merchandise will be available online soon. For the first time on the blog we will be having a day in the life of a tdisc member. Jan. 13/09 Tdiscadmiral will take us with him on daily journey.
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success"
- Henry Ford
Friday, January 9, 2009
On day 124 the boys of T.Disc brought a winning attitude to the track, with thoughts of a fallen part time team member they proceeded to carry the tired admiral before he got his second wind and turned his concerns into anger. This is when the moral of T.Disc came back, we proceeded to run a 3min 30sec km. It was a good Friday, nice run stretched out the muscles from a great Thursday and get ready for a great workout on Saturday. It is great to have the team back boys, and can’t wait for tomorrow.
“You just got T.DISCED”
Team Disc
Thank you for your concerns. My ears are still ringing from theambulance sirens pulling up outside of the gym on kent street. As I wasbeing wheeled out of the AFC on a stretcher with a blanket pulled overmy face in sheer embarrassement, I couldn't help but look over at Tim's.In utter horror, I noticed that a small group had gathered outside withtheir coffees to watch the action. I couldn't help but think that mychoice of halloween costume in 2008 was coming back to haunt me. I spent most of the day in bed and hope to be back at it by Monday.. Iwas told to take it easy for a few days and yes, John did have to wakeme up every two hours and made me get up and walk around the room. Heeven offered to miss the workout this morning to stay with me, but Icould see the relief in his face when I said 'go meet your team.' Thanks for the well wishes and I'll see you next week.
Tdisct (on probation)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Statement Day
Till next time,
"What happens if we get so big that Oprah wants to have us on."-Tdisckree
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Back at it
till next time,
"dream big"
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tdiscpye News Conference
Tdiscpye "First of all i'd like to wish yas all a Happy Friggin New Year! Secondly...BhM and I have decided to go with the option that would best give me the opportunity to become a triathlete. I have decided to stick by my team and not retire. Tdisc and Bhm worked out a deal early this afternoon. Any questions?
Question period Begins:
Tdiscpye "The man at the back by the tv."
"Hi I'm bob Mackenzie from tsn. What swayed your decision?"
Tdiscpye "A number of things. First a good friend of mine called me and let me know that if I wasn't sure whether to retire then don't retire. Secondly my inbox got flooded with positve emails from members of the big 4...and a member under a tryout agreement."
Tdiscpye "The bald man under the fan whose eyebrows match the shape of his glasses."
"Hi I'm Pierre McGuire also from tsn. What are your 5 monsterious 2009 revolutions?"
Tdiscpye "I don't know if there is 5 but here we go. Number 1 i'm going to bring the DGAFM ( Don't give a frig mentality) into effect. Number 2 In '09 i'm going to quit facebook...considering i think I have a virus..and use that time to focus more on becoming a better teamate. Number 3 I'd like to have a normal love life. It's frigged up. Number 4 work towards a podium finish for tdisc this season. Number 5 Get my priorities straight....Tdisc than everything else."
Tdiscpye " I'd like to take this time to thank everyone for coming. I'd also like to thank my teamates for there overwhelming support. One house keeping note....if u plan on taking something please opt to take the tv. or the 1000 dollars cash on the table....but I beg u don't touch the 2 bottles of wine at the back door. Thanks"
Till Next time,
"Dream Big"
Monday, January 5, 2009
2 week schedule
T- Long Run - 8 k with stretch and abs to follow
w- Weights/ladders (30 min) at my gym followed by swim at CARI
th - spin class with stretch and I think the spin teacher should put us through 10 minute core workout on bosus.
f - run (short or intervals on upei track) - Cari pool swim.
s - Bike and weights
Sun - Off
M - Short run and swim.
T - Long Run with stretch and core
w- ladders/weights - swim
th - spin with complimentary core work instructed by a certified pilates instructor.
f - run and swim.
s- bike and weights
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Black Sunday
On the team front. Word is Tdiscadmiral is ready to go for tuesday. Tdisckree told me about his new diet on how he was going to cut a lot of things out...moments later we went to east sides and he got a full pizza. hmmm. Tdiscgreggy were not sure about...haven't heard much from him...he's really enjoying his hollidays.
Till next time,
"Dream Big"
Friday, January 2, 2009
The admirals hernia
As far as I know he is day to day. He was in to see the team doctor a couple weeks ago and he was told to carry on with his training, but to monitor it. I'm sure he'll be ready to when the team meets for the first time in '09.
still snowed in
9 pm- after work I went for a slow 30 minute jog on the treadmill. My ankle was a little tender so I allowed 2 short stretch breaks in between. My body felt pretty good considering. My eating went to the dogs with another new years big dinner tonight. Team disc starts up again in 2 days. I will designate my next 2 days to getting my ankle back in form for day 1 of '09.
Till next time,
"dream big"
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Reflecting on 2008
Sept. 8/08 6:45 am- 3 guys (Tdiscadmiral, Tdisckree, Tdiscpye) met at the spa. Team Tdisc was created. Our first week was very trying...we all had our ups and downs...some quitting more than others. This email was sent on sept. 15th by Tdiscadmiral. Boys, I'm completely exhausted today. I think its from the swimming .
Sept. 17/08 6:45 am- Tdisc adds a new member (Tdiscgreggy). His positive attitude was a great fit for the 3 negative ones. He had this to say after day 1. Boys! I know it was my first day but I adrenaline is still running high, I will probably crash this afternoon but I am pumped up to go again tomorrow. Pye let’s get back on the horse, and hit the bike hard tomorrow. Frig boys, I am flying high right now. Greg (newest team member)
Sept. 18/08 the struggles continued as Tdisc was in desperate need of a leader. Tracey was pegged as the early leader but her poor attendance at workouts left the door open for a new leader. I had this to say about Tdisckree's leadership qualities. Like see there...that's poor qualities of a team captain. I bring a good effort today trying to get the ball rolling again and all he can do is keep the negativity creeping into my head by bringing up my past. He knows i'm fragile so I think that's why he targets me. We stopped at tim's today and he tried to coax me into getting a breakfast sandwich...knowing that i'm battling a food addiction. That's low. Anyways looking for redemption in the pool. Oh ya and by the melt down ratio is down to 50%
Setbacks were a common occurance in 2008. On the 24th this was sent by tdiscadmiral.Team Discovery faced another huge setback today. Three days after apoor day of training on saturday morning captain and leader Kris Macpheewas up to his old tricks agian. Macphee was unable to finish todaysswim. On lookers have descibed todays event as horrific and completelyembarressing for Team Discovery, who are currently training for atriatholon. At times it looked like as if it was the first time he everswam. "This is another huge setback for our squad" says teammate and brotherRyan Macphee. "I had the same problem last week but I was able tobattle through it, hopefully he can to." Macphee declined to comment on todays events. He does however attend toaddress the media and his teammates with an email 12:30 Atlantic time. Speculation is that he may quit and retire. What does this mean forTeam Discovery and their quest for Triatholon 2009?
26th- Tdiscgreggy's positive attitude picks the team back up. Good day boys, looks like we are getting a hurricane on Sunday! I just wanted to say great effort today on everyone’s part. I feel we have become stronger as a team after a full week is complete.
On another note, I am not sure how the spa got my cell number but they contacted me about a cracked flutter board? Does anyone know anything about this? Let me know so I can call them back to get this fixed up. John I know you were discouraged by Tracey’s negativity last night but don’t worry we will overcome.
The pool seemed to be the big struggling point in the early going for Tdisc. Tdisckree was quoted saying. Just to inform the team....The MacPhee boys took a long hard look at the reality of the pool situation on the way home today. The good news is this ... we starred retirement in the face and laughed. We will now embark on a new training regiment. We will become one with the water. We will devote every day to swimming on top of our usual training regiment. We will do drills that will help us become more efficient in the pool. We looked at it this way... if a kid needs to learn how to skate do we line him up at the end boards and tell him to skate down and backs and expect him to get better. No...we do double skulling, push and glide, pumping. From here on out we will work on th fundamentals.I have comprised a list of drill and drill sets that should keep us going forever. Despite the positive instruction of "just breathe into the water" I feel i need to go to the basics.
Sept. 29/08- Tdisc learned to expect the unexpected. These two headlines will sum up the days events. New Hampshire Gazette: Mooseman frontrunner show's signs of weakness on day 15 . Team Discovery homepage: Streak ends at 14 "John Brioux has melt down on day 15."
Tdiscgreggy cracks. I just want to write my formal apology to team Discovery for my piss poor effort on Saturday. I am not a great biker, it is where I need the most work, but I did not come prepared. This will not happen again.
Oct. 2/08- tdiscgreggy still cracking. Well boys what can I say about the bike. If I didn’t retire after today, I never will. That was a battle boys holy frig, I will see that one hill in my nightmares. But I realized some things today, if we are going to do this I am going to have to step it up. Starting Monday my diet is changing, lifestyle and I am going to start 2 a days until I am in top form to be able to stay within a km of the rest of my team. Until that point you boys are going to have to push me, by not waiting for me and keep a fast pace.
I feel great right now boys, but oh so friggen tired. My legs hate me! And I can’t wait until Saturday.
This was also the day that we all realized that tdiscadmiral was possessed. When that old horse sees the barn...look out !!!"
The next couple weeks were pretty quiet for tdisc. 3 memebers were on a hockey trip to Ottawa.
Nov. 6/08- Our first day of spin class let to some controversy. Tracey had this to say. Just wanted to designate the hard hat of the day to Pye and Greg... couldn't pick between the two. Kris I'm designating you with A.D.D and you and John aren't allowed to sit beside each other in class anymore. Also Greg is really embarrassed to ask, but he's wondering if you could each sponsor him $5 to put towards his new relationship. It's very expensive.
Nov 10/08- tdisc continued its up and down month of nov. Just wanted to inform T-Dis of a few things :1. I almost suspended the entire team today...the performance was horrible. Didn't even put in a good sauna. I wanted to tell the guy off who gave me his lane in the pool. The following procedures will take place to keep my sanity. 1. Jacob is running practice and dryland tonight. 2. Tri workout tommorrow will be the following ; walkign to the end of the road to check for mail.3. Wednesdays triathlon workout - Don't even call me, I know ya's are going and if I feel up to it I'll be there. Don't care what we're doing...If I show up I'll be prepared for everything - including my road bike and helmet in the back seat.4. Don't even say the word coaching or anything that might remind me of it. . Good Bye.Kris ps. John - 14 laps ? Common - not even one of those counted. That's like me banking my 7 plus the one where I tried to stop you and Pye and drive ya's off course.
the rest of november was spent finding ourselves and getting into a rhythem. The summer schedule was a hot topic throughout this month.
Dec. 10/08- Tdisc makes a step in the direction of expansion. Timmy and domi showed up on time for there tryout day 1.
Dec. 11/08- Tdisc tryout is over. Tdisc remains at 4 members.
Dec. 16/08- DAY 100!!!!! who would have thought we would have made it this far.
Dec. 19/08- one member stumbles another shows his strength. Dear T.Disc
This is my formal apology for being absent this morning, especially since it was such a cold one. I once again let the peer pressures of the world get to me and could not legally drive home to prepare for the day. I was up at 6:30 driving around to find you during the run for support but was unsuccessful. I am very proud of our two members who not only took on mother nature but gave her a big “F YOU”.
I did not put tail a head of team disc I was talking to this girl last night and I was bragging about T Disc and she said “who is that?” I immediately turned around and walked away. I just hope I can eventually receive forgiveness from my two team members and I WILL be there tomorrow! Let me know where and when?
Miami Tribune - "TDISC at MIT '10 FAR From Done Deal -
New york times- Team suffers yet another setback on day 103" " Admiral questions TDISC members (and wife's) commitment."
Journal Pioneer -"Disappointing day for TDISC : PEI may not send team to Ingonish in '09"
TSN - "Canucks, Habs Celebrate - TDISC in Disarray " Guardian -" Birchwood Teacher looses ears to frostbite, MacPhee brothers from Clyde River also in critical condition from early morning run"
Sportsnet Ticker - "Dallas places Avery on waivers, TDISC waives T. MacPhee, J. Doiron, T.Gairns-Brioux."
Jan.1/09- The hollidays are now over. They didn't come without a price. Injuries came in an abundance. Some were forced to take time off for ice and rest. What will 2009 bring for Tdisc? Will we add a new member? (Tracey) How many events will Tdiscadmiral win? and can he stay healthy?150 days till the red isle relay
185 days till first triathlon
Its been a pleasure Tdisc. Look forward to blogging in '09.
Till next time,
"Dream Big"