Friday, January 2, 2009

still snowed in

1 pm-I woke good and early this morning. I think it was from being indoors for so long that my body was all messed up. I didn't have a great breakfast. Just a handful of fruit to go's. The drifts outside my house were huge. I starting shoveling for something to do...and being a triathlete in training thought I should maybe get a sweat on. I shoveled for a long time. Snow is good insulation around the house. The snowplow came by around a mound he put at the end of my driveway. I then found out practice was canceled so I no longer had anything to rush for so i started cooking my lunch. I had a great pot of I was finishing I notice my neighbor starting to blow out my I threw on my stuff and headed outside to give him a hand. Thanks to him I am now here at work. I have some running cloths....I plan on going for a jog on the treadmill after work. Hopefully I will have no problems with my injured ankle.

9 pm- after work I went for a slow 30 minute jog on the treadmill. My ankle was a little tender so I allowed 2 short stretch breaks in between. My body felt pretty good considering. My eating went to the dogs with another new years big dinner tonight. Team disc starts up again in 2 days. I will designate my next 2 days to getting my ankle back in form for day 1 of '09.

Till next time,

"dream big"

1 comment:

  1. lets keep our fingers crossed on the ankle. How is the Admirals hernia ? Any word ?
