Sunday, January 4, 2009

Black Sunday

ummm....really poor weekend for myself. Being on the road for hockey really puts me at a disadvantage training wise. I tend to eat very badly and do no excercise.This weekend was no different. I'm a little low right now heading into monday, feel like i'm back to where I started, bloated, heavy. It just seems like a daunting task to try to get back into the rhythem again. \

On the team front. Word is Tdiscadmiral is ready to go for tuesday. Tdisckree told me about his new diet on how he was going to cut a lot of things out...moments later we went to east sides and he got a full pizza. hmmm. Tdiscgreggy were not sure about...haven't heard much from him...he's really enjoying his hollidays.

Till next time,

"Dream Big"


  1. YOYO everyone...just a reminder that big spin starts again this week. I hear we may lose tdisckree which is too bad. Bob will miss being challenged by Kris on the hills.
    Also- I'm officially on for Friday mornings with the group for 2009 and I'll be there on weekends. If the group returns to Monday morning workouts- I'll be there too. I'm also suggesting a post work workout starting on Tuesdays. Let's face it- it's time for two a days!

  2. I just posted a big comment and I don't think it worked...anyway- back to spin this week. We will miss Tdisckree who, it has been said, is not returning. Bob will miss his challenger on the hill climbs.
    Also- I'm in for Friday mornings...If the group returns to Monday am training, I am in. Also- who feels it's time for two a days to get the team out of the holiday slump? Tuesday pm anyone?
