Friday, January 23, 2009

Tensions run high

Today I woke up extremely tired. I'm not sure if it was from the day before or what because I was in bed at a great time. As you see in the right column of the blog there is countdowns. Bad Idea...I can now see how little time I have left to get ready. I kinda spooked me a bit.
We started out with a tough workout session at the TTF. For some reason I got paired up with Tdiscadmiral. I knew I was in trouble the moment he looked at his watch and said "Let's pick it up...were late." It was good though because I was a little sluggish and this way I had to do everything and do it fast or risk getting a weight of the side of the head. We actually worked pretty well together, starting the rumours of teams being set for the Red Island Relay. It is when it came time for the swim that everything went south.

Tdiscgreggy was the only member to address the media today. When asked about the swim at the house that tdiscadmiral built, he had this to say. "I felt great, and everyone looked and swam great. But there was one point when I finished a lap and thought that T.Discpye was looking for loose change? But later told me he was doing a flip turn???
After the swim is when the drama started! I missed the first part of the conversation, and so I will leave it to T.Disckree to fill us all in on how it went down……. All I will say was there was a lot of yelling, and some serious tension amongst T.Disc! This tension may or may not have led to physical acts from the admiral towards the manager of CARI pool about swim lane times on Saturday!!!

I struggled in the pool today. I just didn't feel good and knowing that were only 126 days away...negativity krept into my head. I just felt as though my stamina wasn't there to do a long distance. At one point I caught myself hanging off the rope daydreaming when Tdisckree roared down "come on back now". So at the end of the swim we decided to try doing the flip turn. I just couldn't seem to do I just tried doing a summersault. Negativity was really creeping into my head now. So I did the summersault and that's when I hit rock bottem. I regrouped and got myself over to the side of the pool and started blowing out my nose as hard as I could. It honestly felt like I had been snorting flames. So that was my Q to exit the pool.

So Tdisckree and I head to the showers where Tdiscadmiral already is. We start to discuss my poor performance and then the convo turned to tommorows workout. It was brought up that we may not be able to swim at the hours we wanted to. That is when tdiscadmiral snapped . He was quoted as saying "Do they know who we are? We @#$$&@# own this place! Great we can't @#&%*@ swim tommorow!" Just picture the movie old school with will ferrell in the lockerroom....Tdiscadmiral being will ferrell. A lot of locker slamming was going on. Anyways cooler heads eventually prevailed...once he left...and we came up with tommorow's workout. Were going to do a indoor sprint triathlon...the only difference will be that we will run 5k then bike for 30 min. then swim 30 lengths. It is a good way for us to really shock the system.

As you might see Tdiscadmiral has not addressed the media in 8 days. Speculation is that Tdisc has issued the muzzel effect on Tdiscadmiral. After his last meltdown he recieved a stern warning from the team about his out of training antics. He is scheduled to address the media on monday of next week. We'll see if it happens.

A few housekeeping notes to bring u up to date on. I'm not sure of the exact date but there will be a Tdisc mixure coming in the near future. It will give you the fans a chance to meet your favorite Tdisc member. Also feel free to comment on the blogs...We can use the comments for's you the fans that keep this thing going.

Till next time,

"As long as I breathe I attack."

1 comment:

  1. Seriously..this is hilarious. So glad you have joined the blogworld to keep us all informed of TDisc's journey........but I do think that Tdisc Admiral needs to cool his jets a bit......just saying...
