Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tdiscpye train still traveling south bound!

Just when u think things can't get any worse...they do. Today was the worst experience i've had since starting my professional training career with Tdisc. I had stiffness through my shoulders, back, calves and ankles. I just felt like it was my first day running in years....it's been awhile since I felt that bad. It sucked being a part of history. The remainder of Tdisc laid the biggest single thumping on a teamate since Tdiscgreggy got left behind on the bike back in september of '08. Although the odds don't look great for me starting my triathlon career in Fredericton, I have decided to up the training in order to increase the odds. I plan on adding 3 extra runs and 2 extra swims a week. You will be able to see our schedule later in the blog.
For the first time in awhile every member of tdisc addressed the media. Tdiscadmiral used his time to plead to his teamates. "I could feel the air brewing as soon as we were into our second lap andI'm not sure why? Last week was so good. Why is this week different? I know it's hard boys but there are going to be alot more days where wefeel we can't do this thing. We have to stay positive and committedeven on the worse of days." Tdiscadmiral wasn't his usual psycho self. A source close to Tdiscadmiral told us that he didn't like the fine he got last time....he just couldn't afford to explode again.
Tdisckree didn't last long at the podium. "Tdisc...i'd say we're frigged. me(coach) and greggy(captain) are gonna meet today at ttf and there's gonna be widespread changes." Were not sure what happened to him today...he was spotted leaving the public facilities twice during the run. A bad batch of frosted flakes?
Then it was time for the inspirational captain to step to the podium. Like Tdiscadmiral he decided to use his time to speak right to Tdisc. "T.Disc as the admiral pointed out, we are a team. Not everyday will be easy and that is why we train everyday, I know there is days we don’t feel like getting out of bed, or feel like coming in of the -30 weather to work your balls off. But we are T.Disc and as a member of the “Big Four” I refuse to let this negativity creep into our world. As T.Discpye mentioned the blog is getting 120 hits a day. This does not mean that the blog is more important than T.Disc, because without T.Disc there would be no blog!
Great scheddy Kree, I love getting the scheddy because I know what I can look forward to the next day!! T.Disc for life!"
I think Tdiscgreggy took a personal shot at me...being the author of the blog. I understand where he is coming from...I have spent just as much time blogging as training. When the Captain speaks I listen....i'm not going to ease back on the blog....i'm going to increase the training.
Tdisct(on probation) in a phone interview with Ian hennamansing had this to say. "Being on probation from this team is a constant ride on an emotionalrollercoaster. " Her experience and encouragement has really helped the team so far. With Talk of expansion she may be asked to lead a Tdisc female squad. An unnamed member of Tdisc was quoted as saying. "I'm not sure she can except her role with the team." A meeting will be held later in the week to discuss this situation.

Please, please, please vote. We could really use the feedback in our weekly team meeting. Thanks to those who are encouraging me through these tough days. Also, if you are a daily follower be sure to join our tdisc fan page, or send us a message so we can encourage u.

Till next time,

“Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.”
-Charles M Shulz

Schedule for Next two weeks : w-weights/swim th - bike/3k run f- sprints/swim sat- mintri sun- off m- pye and admiral - 5 krun, greggy&me 30 minute bike.--- all swim t - bike 20 min(sprints) / run 35-40 min w - weights/swim th- bike/ 3 k run f - pye&kree run 5 k, greggy&admiral 30 minute bike - all swim sat- off sun - minitri. monday - 40 min bike/weights - on own. This is the scheddy...non-negotiable.


  1. TDisc female squad? Where do I get an application? Do you want a list of credentials?

  2. Some times you have to hit rock bottem before you can climb to the top.
