Saturday, January 31, 2009

"you guys don't stop"

That was one of the comments we recieved today following our run. We started off our saturday with a lengthy pool workout. Although it didn't start finished great. The admiral arrived at the ttf early and thought he saw Tdiscpye in swimming during swimming lessons. A source close to the team said the admiral was spotted pacing around the pools edge checking to see if tdisc was in there. I arrive just as he's dashing towards the shower before heading to the pool. "oh I thought u were already in there." So I quickly got changed and headed out with him. Much to our surprise the lanes were empty. I did a few laps to warm up then tdiscgreggy showed up. The lanes quickly filled up and we were pushed to one lane. We went through a tough swim doing about 1300 metres. I felt the best i've felt in a long time in the swim. As we were leaving we recieved a comment that really boosted our spirits from a fellow triathlete. "you guys had a good swim". Captain Tdiscgreggy exchanged a few comments with her then we hit the showers.
Our run was a nice end to the week. We did a light 35 minute jog on the track. I felt great throughout the run...I was really loose for the first time in awhile. We finished with a relaxing stretch....a much needed stretch as some of the boys were feeling the effects of the week.
Were meeting some great people along our journey to fredericton. You have a lot of respect for people who are doing what we are doing day in and day out. We are starting to see a lot of familiar faces around the TTF.
" thing we know were going to be picking the relay teams." One of the big 4 said while getting cleaned up after the workout. The realization is starting to set in that we aren't that far away anymore...were in the year of the triathlon.
Missing from the workout today was Tdisckree(work). He has opted to take today off and go with a workout tommorow. For the rest of the team we are off till monday! Enjoy the superbowl.

Till next time,

"Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret!" ~ Anonymous


  1. Okay...I don't know how to say I will come right out with it... I have some pics of some of your so-called 'T-disc' members....engaging in some activities that really go against everything your team stands for....let me know if you are interested in seeing them.....and we can negotiate a price....

  2. "A man must keep a little back shop where he can be himself without reserve. In solitude alone can he know true freedom." -Michael De Montainge

    Fame is a part of the gig. Are lives have been changed forever. Privacy is no longer there for the big 4. We have to continue to work on being aware of whose watching at all times. I haven't had a chance to talk to the team about this situation. Capt. tdiscgreggy will be notified and it will be dealt with accordingly. Thanks.

    "If you look for the worst in people and expect to find it, you surely will." -abraham Lincoln

  3. Yeah, I guess you're right. I think I just hold the big four up on some sort of pedestal...thinking you all are super-human or something. I guess even tdisckree falls off the wagon and indulges in 2 helpings of Caramel Brownie Explosion...from time to time. I still have the pics if you need them down the road...strictly for motivational purposes..
