Thursday, January 29, 2009

Business as usual

Today was another step in the right direction for Tdisc. I personally felt great through the spin class and the jog after. I still felt tight in a few places but overall my legs felt great and my wind was good. I even kinda enjoyed the photo opt....i'm not usually that photogenic. The photo opt was at the TTF. After We T'd up a few walkers the track was quickly all ours as Tdisct(on probation) snapped pics of the big 4 in action. One of the big 4 was quoted as saying..."Get used to it boys...this is what it will be like in fredericton."

Everyone declined to stop for questions today except for the captain. Tdiscgreggy still feeling the runners high was asked how the day went for tdisc. "The big four were back in action today and did they ever look determined. They took the spin class and ran away with it, either T.DiscT(on probation) was not feeling like giving a hard workout this morning, or T.Disc stepped up and destroyed it. After a hard workout the boys jumped off the spin bikes and hit the track for a photo opt. Sweaty, tired, thirsty T.Disc still managed to step it up and throw the smile up for the camera. Even while going straight from the bikes to the run. I am not only confident that T.Disc will be successful in their Triathlon career they will look dam good doing it."
After this was released on the 3 o'clock news...rumours immediatly began to swirl following the calling out team spin leader Tdisct(on probation) by captain Tdiscgreggy. Will this spell the end for Tdisct(on probation). A source close to the team has said that she is working on a female team and is slowly coming to grips with role.
With the indoor sprint tri only 2 days away...we look to continue the momentum with a run and swim tommorow. Fridays have become kind of a safe haven for the team since the start...and I expect nothing different tommorow. Saturdays? Could be a good day to read the blog.
Be sure to check the pictures from this morning photo opt. They are posted in the right hand column. Also if u haven't voted...there is only a few days left. We recieved one application already for the tdiscw team. If u think u have what it takes please get in contact with tdisct(on probation).

till next time,

All the miles of a hard road are worth a moment of true happiness" - Arnold Lobel

1 comment:

  1. Holy, this is some blog. I think I'm sweating.
