Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tdisc cruises through hump day

After battling a tough couple days...I got it together in time for a great weights/swim day. Who would have thought the pool was where I was going to turn things back around. I once again was paired up with Tdiscadmiral for the weights. It went very smooth...I felt great through the weights and the the same for the swim. I don't know if yas had a chance to read the paper or not but there was an article in there today about Tdisc. Sitting in the second page of sports was this article.
The Guardian
By. Don Morrison
"TDISC COMPLETES LOW-KEY WORKOUT ON WEDNESDAY"All quiet in the gym but talks of organizational changes coming.

Charlottetown :TDISC finally had a low-key, low drama workout. There were no retirements, no violent outbursts, and for the most part no issues to speak of besides the team putting in a solid weight workout followed by a swim. Tdiscgreggy and tdisckree once again were paired together. There chummy relationship in "09 has led many to believe that the teams have been selected for the Red Island Relay. Tdiscadmiral did leave TTF ahead of schedule but officials said it was a routine dental appointment that he had to get to. Apparently, tdiscadmiral had a steel plate put in his mouth on tuesday. Team Veterinarian DR. Carey stated that it was the first time she'd done work on a human, but that it was a routine procedure that is commonly done to highly tempermental race horses who grit their teeth during races. Dr. Carey stated " He's basically a race horse in a humans body..." In the pool, tidiscpye and tdiscgreggy were forced into a lane with another swimmer and played a few length of pool-chicken...where they would generate speed toward each other and then at the mid-way point zig zag around one another. The other swimmer in the lane then exited the pool and was the latest to be "T'D UP" 3 Members of the big 4 met in the hot tub following the training session and it is believed all the talk was on "organizational changes." No official statements have come from the team, but speculation has it that tdisct (on probation) will be dropping the probation label and will be moved to Coach/Captain of TDISC affiliate team TDISC-W. TDISC may also announce a big name Publicist and Marketing Director...names floating around for this position include Jared Stretch (Smooth Cycle), Bob Gray (Canada Games 2009), and Flickthis (Blog Member). TDISC has also made it known that they have started looking for a swim coach. However, team members have not been able to settle on who would make a perfect candidate. When asked what they were looking for in a swim coach the members had this to say - TDISCPYE "I'd like someone who can deal with all the egos and different attitudes on TDISC." TDISCREGGY said " I want a motivator...someone who's gonna get in my face at the end of the pool and get me going." TDISCKREE suggested " I'd like someone whos a real tactician who can break down our stroke efficiency." TDISCADMIRAL had a little different take " If we can get someone who'll come out for free that would be good...or else really cheap."

Like I said before...Tdisc isn't a's a family, and this thing we call triathlon training isn't a's a lifestyle. It's 4 men trying to change our lives and the lives of others.
According to the hit counter on my says my blog has been hit over 200 times in the past 2 days. That is absolutely startling. We as a team would love to know who is following this blog. Members of the team have asked if you could send us a little message just to let us know who u are. We may be able to work something out where you can meet Tdiscadmiral. You can email me at and i'll pass it on to the team.
Tommorrow is a big day for Tdisc. It is the first ever Tdisc photoshoot. During spin class tdisct(on probation) will snap a few shots of the big 4 in action....then there will be a team picture to follow.
Also if you think u have what it takes to be a member of tdisc then please email as well. I have recieved one email asking for an application. People who apply early will be givin the first opportunity IF Tdisc expands.
It shapes up to be a good day tommorow for Tdisc. Hopefully the snow holds off.

Till next time,

"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live" - Flora Whittemore

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in applying for the position of Tdisc publicist (and am very interested in the possibility of a tdisc expansion). I will forward my resume to your email account. Thank you for your consideration.

    "If you can imagine it you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
    William Arthur
