Friday, November 20, 2009

What's up with The Bull?

Scratches: Tdisckree (didn't want to be tired for his trip to Moncton)
Tdiscgreggy (Wrist)

Every Friday morning we join a triathlon swim class. I know that going every time i'm going to be completely gassed at the end. Today we started with flippers and did 1500m of freestyle and kicking. It was so much kicking that my feet were beginning to cramp up. When we finished that, we did some explosive work then finished with a few drills. For the third straight day bull patterson came to the workout with a bad attitude. Tdisckree borrowed his goggles the other day and then didn't show for the bull had no goggles. For some reason he attacked me and the admiral over it. "Let's just run boys" said bull patterson with a bad attitude. He was ready to pull the shoot on the swim. "I haven't swam all week...i'm swimming" said the big gun while putting his foot down. Bull's attitude slightly changed when he put on the flippers for the first was like christmas morning. "These things are awesome" bull announced to the lane while kicking with all his might. The chaos that was going on during that few minutes was something else. I made one and only one trip down with no goggles. There was so much water in my face that I may as well have just swam with my head in the water. I'm sure if we did this for most of the class they would have had to postpone aquafit.

There was no time for the tub today so we just went straight to the showers. I knew there was going to be conflict with bull over tomorrow's start time so I mentioned it to the admiral before hand."Want to start at 9." I asked. "sure" replied the admiral. So as we finished showering we mentioned the run tomorrow. "9am run time bull." "boys let's go early" replied bull. The admiral gave in a bit and said "fine 8:30." "Fine...I don't need to run." replied a bull with a bad attitude. So we attacked his attitude for a few minutes and said we'll see you here at 8:30am.

Saturday's are our long run days. We will plan to run somewhere in the range of 13-14k.

bull's latest snapping has sparked a new fan poll. Be sure to check it out and vote. It's in the right hand column. Thanks!

Till next time,

"Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the keys to my destiny." ---Elain Maxwell

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