Monday, March 23, 2009

The admiral returns

It was great to have the admiral back in the lineup today. It is the first time the admiral and I have worked out together since the end of feb. Today we allowed ourselves a little extra sleep in time by setting the swim start time at 7am. Honestly though...when I woke up it was like I had just gone to sleep...I was so tired. With quiting not an option...I arose from the bed and began getting ready for the day. It was a struggle at the start of the swim but it increasingly got better. I wanted to through out the quit card about 3 times in the first 15 minutes. It's really crazy how quickly your thoughts can change to pure negativity...It must be the chlorine. We swam about 1500 meters today doing some cardio and some drills. It lasted for about 1 hour. Tdiscgreggy had a late night in Tignish so he opted to workout at a later time. It was great to have the admiral back swimming...It really pushes ya when you see someone trying to race ya down the pool. Tdisckree and I both thought he was going to kill himself trying to race the guy who jumped in the pool when he was finishing.
I just finished work and am a little bit tired but with this being the season of the triathlon I will have a quick power nap and then go for a 1hour bike ride before hockey practice. An encouraging email was sent to me today by one of my teamates. It was an article...and the title was: 6 ways to ease food addiction. Just what the doctor ordered. Number 6 read: Don't return to the scene of the crime. So it gives me all the more reason to leave the computer room that is right beside the kitchen and head to the gym. If anyone else is battling a food addiction than I'd be more than happy to pass along the article.
Tommorow is Race day...It will have a field of at least 4. When drawing out tommorow's 10k route someone suggested that we stay away from traffic because it is expected that 3 of the big 4 will make the admiral go 4 wide in order to get to the front. Should be a dandy!
An honorable mention goes out to Tdisckree...on the weekend we went to go swimming and he forgot his instead of packing it in he went bare yingfa(which is as close as u can get to bare naked). One quote that sums up the look of a yingfa..."It just looks like black body paint."
Also I have posted a new fan poll in the right hand column. Please be sure to vote...

Till next time,

"It is not I who became addicted, it is my body." -Jean Cocteau

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