Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tdisc breezes through hump day!

All my days in Japan start of with blogging, followed by getting ready and then I go for breakfast. It is kind of funny...I thought I was getting smaller but I guess not...when I go through the line at breakfast everyone gets 1 roll but when I get through she always looks at me and gives me 2. haha. Yesterday was a lot of sightseeing...we went to the tokyo tower, some kind of marketplace, a boat cruise, and to the foodex. Today we are going back to the foodex. Should be pretty cool...I think there is a cavendish farms booth there...who knows I may know someone. I'm starting to catch a few words and I can now kind of navigate myself around the subways. I've also learned that u never go up or down the right side of the escalator unless u are running or prepare to get pasted from behind. Also when you leave the hotel u hand back your key and when your return without saying anything they hand it back to u. I've ate a lot of different foods but today I broke down and bought a crispy cream donut. Holy cow it was good.

I recieved an email from Tdisckree is what it said:

Recap of TDISC Session on Wednesday.To be submitted to the author of the blog.

workout members - Tdisckree, Tdiscgreggy, Tdisadmiral.

Workout started on time. Admiral and Greggy were biting at the bit when I got there at 641. Greggy is really getting punctual. It's very impressive. Apparently, tdisctw was a little bit annoying at home prior to the workout. Admiral was really thrown off by it though...he just said "she had all the lights on in the house and was testing out songs on the ipod."We did a warm-up on ladders and then did a weights workout. It was actually really hard.We got the pool in good time. Admiral's id number worked at the front desk and that made him happy. We pretty much went on our own. We did a lot of drills today. i didn't feel particularily good in the water today and Admiral was quoted as saying " I'm just not feeling it today." One thing of note...there was a lesson going on next to us and the Admiral didn't seem too spooked by it. I think this is another sign that we are become more complete triathletes mentally and physically. Pretty quiet day for Tdisc but another routine day means that we just might be becoming triathletes. There could be bigtime trouble in spin tommorrow. Apparently, rumour has been going around that Bob Gray is going to take one of the big fours bikes tommorrow in the front row. All reports indicate taht he will go after the Admirals'. We'll see how this plays out.

Off to get ready....

blogging from Tokyo Japan,


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