Friday, May 15, 2009

Urgent Notice!

We are in major need of the fans help. As it stands right now...Tdisc2(admiral,Tdiscpye) are leaning towards scratching from the Red Island Relay due to insufficient equipment. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of a 2MAN KAYAK PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATLY. This would be a major blow to the start of the upcoming season.

Now...with that out of the way I must say it's great to be back on the blog. I'd like to thank my team who stepped in for me during a tough week. I think they did a great job...they all brought something different to the blog. On last night's blog there was a comment made that was taken out of context by a member of the team who replied to the comment. As blog administrator/author/ceo I carefully thought out the situation and decided to disallow the comment made by a Tdisc team member. At this time there will be no diciplinary action taken against that team member. Tdisc thanks the annonymous blogger for there support.

This week has been an extremely tough week for me. I've done a terribly poor job of separating my daily life and my training. Sometimes I get caught up in what I don't have instead of being thankful for what I got. I thank Rookflick for his blog...It was a good reminder of how lucky we really are. It really puts things in perspective.

For me this triathlon training is all about getting out of my comfort zone. Speaking of getting out of my comfort zone...I signed up for a massage this week. And like every other time i've stepped out....I'm clean terrified. I know I need it...and I know i'm going to feel better after...but it still spooks me. Deep breath!

Tdisc has decided to pull out of this weekends 10k race. We thought about it all week and decided as a team that it was best to scratch. However we will be sending Rookflick and corporate sponsor Flickthis. We wish them all the best tommorow!

As for the rest of the team we will run on our own in the morning and bike later on in the afternoon. We will be leaving at 4pm on the bikes...if anyone would like to join us than your more than welcome to....just notify us via a comment on the blog.

If you look at the poll on the side of the blog you will notice that barring a major push at the end by tdisct(w)....flickthis will be responsible for saturday's blog. I will be taking over from there and from now on every wednesday will be guest blogger day.

Till next time,

"Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there." -unknown

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