Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 227!

Before I get to today's workout i'd like to talk a bit about last nights swim. Last night was the first time I have experienced the swimmer's high. Lately it's the time in the pool has felt extremely long. Tdisckree and I were in a lane with fellow triathlete Darcy Flynn. The workout began the usual way...doing a few drills that push me to the point of flailing to try and save my life then cardio. There was 2 categories for the cardio...intermediate and advanced. When Darcy asked which we were doing Tdisckree quickly replied "advanced". I snapped back "oh no no no no that's 2000m". "yep keep up" tdisckree answered back. Next thing I knew on was off the wall and under way in the advanced. We had about 40 minutes to complete...we went 400m swim, 100m pull, 300m swim, 200m pull, 200m swim, 300m pull, 100m swim, 400m pull. Things were going smooth...I honestly couldn't have felt any better. As we were finishing the last set I looked up coming off the wall and noticed Tdisckree hanging off the rope wincing in pain. As we finished Darcy asked "What happened." "I have no idea...I'm usually the one hanging off the rope." I replied. After a few minutes he did the breaststroke down to see us and inform us that he had officially experienced cramping. While driving home it was official...the tides had changed...I looked at Tdisckree and said "I have reason to believe"...he then replied "If this happens in the race i'm frigged."

When I was young I had a shirt that read Eat, Sleep, Play hockey. Lately I could almost have a shirt that reads....Eat, sleep, workout, blog, do laundry. One of the most famous quotes around tdisckree and I's house is "Got any darks." I quit folding my laundry in November...when it's dry it goes to the pile.

This morning was a tough circuit at the TTF. We did a lot of quick feet feet high intensity 35secs on 25secs off. We declined to do any lunges in order to protect the Admiral's hamstrings for the race on saturday. We then finished off the morning with a dip in the pool. Tdisckree took the now known as "Rook" under his wing. We did a combination of different drills before finishing off with some sprints.

It's hump day....tommorow for half of Tdisc it's spin with Tdisct(w) and for tdisckree and I it's run or bike than swim. One of the questions by a reader was who is Tdisct(w). Well she is an honorary member of tdisc for her role as a founder of Tdisc...she is also the wife/coach of the admiral.

Till next time,

"To win you need to start your fastest and gradually increase the pace." -Crembo

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