Monday, April 6, 2009

They call me coach

When the alarm went off this morning I got up, and walked over and set it for 15 minutes later. Then came the announcement from Tdisckree "Are u getting up today". That's when I went on a bit of a rant on how I only had 2 hours sleep and I was going to go swimming in the evening and how it was going to be just a waste of time. Once I got that out I rolled over and got up, got dressed and proceeded to the TTF. I still felt like I didn't want to be there but when I arrived through the door and seen the excitement on the face of a man on a tryout...I couldn't help it but smile. Tdisc is going to change another life.
It wasn't all fun and games...Tdiscadmiral was on the verge of being strip searched at the front desk cause his number wouldn't work. It was a tense few moments....especially when he swiped the card(containing 25 free swims) he got from tdiscgreggy for christmas and it said there was none. They eventually let him proceed to the pool, but i'm sure if you went in there tonight you would see the admirals mugshot all over the front desk.
For some reason today I got a little spooked. There was a lot of people swimming and splashing and walking around...I was just staring into the pool. It was kinda like Clarke W. Griswald when he was imagining his pool...and uncle eddy was on the diving board....then I snapped out of it when tdisckree roared "let's go, let's go...there done at 7".
It was different in the pool today. For most of our training year we have been mentored along by some fellow triathletes. Today it was time to return the favour...we took what we learned and passed it on to flicker. I have to give him credit...he battled out there today. The rest of us did drills and mixed in a little cardio in the pool. Not only is it exciting to have flicker trying also shows us how far we've come.
The media were on hand for today's events and some of tdisc took the time to talk about the morning. Standing in his yingfa's...just outside the equipment room Captain Tdiscgreggy had this to say..."Good morning boys, being my first Monday workout in a long time if it left great. It was great to have the team back together and of course welcoming our new teammate Flicker. Who did very well today for his first day. I have not worked out with a full team since March 26th spin class, so it was great to have everyone there today. I am pumped for a full week of workouts and hopefully jump outside this week. I will be entering the bunny hop since it is the big one. I did the hills of Emyvale Saturday to prepare myself for the wandlin hill.
Also on a side note, I just jumped on the newest craze Twitter so if anyone wants to find me on it, just type in Tdiscgreggy, and you will find me.
Great short work week, can’t wait for race day"!!!!!

Next was tdisckree...sitting in his yingfa's on the starting block..."Good to have the boys together today. I was still emotionally drained from the weekend but it was good to get together and become re-focused on our ultimate goal....which is getting the Admiral to the Olympics in London by 2012.
As for the race on Saturday. I am still unsure. Last weekend took a lot out of me and hurt the training but I won't rule myelf out of training.
Training Schedule for this week :
Tuesday - 630 - Meet at Dairy Queen.
Wednesday - 645 - Weights /Swim - Morning
6:00 pm - Outdoor Ride
Thursday - Spin followed by 3 k jog.
Friday - Pre-Race Day - Everyone on their own.
Saturday - Run - Swim - Maybe Bike too.
It is the Year of the Triathlon...
Keep on Keepin On !"

While rinsing in the changing room Jason flick talked about his first day..." I really didn't know what to expect going into my first workout with TDISC. There were just so many different feelings spinning in my mind. It was probably because all weekend long in St.John tdiscpye was trying to scare the crap out of me about how difficult the training was going to be...or perhaps it was because tdisckree was telling my that i was going to quit several times during the first two weeks. They really had me questioning myself. I still don't really know how everything will go. A 100 day tryout is a long time but i beleive that i am capable of making the tdisc roster. During our swim today i had a lot of encouragement from all team members and some great coaching from tdiscpye...I'm pretty sure that the noodle(pull buoy) kept me from drowing at one point though. Overall it was a great experience...these guys do live by their slogans "just go hard" and "just keep splashing". I'm not quite sure if the Admiral or tdiskgreggy were there or not...i saw them in the shower and jumping into the pool but didn't see them again. Perhaps they were creating that constant wave in lane they ever come up for air? Looking forward to tomrrow's run..."

Tommorow is race day...We will do the dairy queen route. All I can say is expect the unexpected.

Till next time

"If one of us beats the admiral....someone will be in the olympics or someone will die." -TDK


  1. Great to have you back blogging Tdiscpye!

  2. Wish I could have witnessed the strip search! Keep on bloggin' TDP!
