Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tdisc announces Official Radio Station

This morning was a sleep in rest day for Tdisckree and I. For the rest of the team is was spinning as usual with tdisct(w). The big news of the day came when Tdisc announced that KROCK 1055 was the official radio station of Tdisc. Shortly after it was announced we recieved this comment from Krock 1055's own Zack Bell "You guys are famous ... a shoutout on KROCK and a link on the Fishbowl page at ... keep up the good work boys .. but next time you run by the "media" you have to slow down or do something funny ... frig you were fast!! " Tdisc thanks Krock for there support.

As some of you may have noticed our Captain Tdiscgreggy kept to himself as of late. Public interviews were far and few between...well today our Captain cleared the air.
"Good morning Ying fa!
T.Disc it has been way to long since I addressed the media, and it ends now. I was away for a week, and as the days rolled on it did not matter how hot the girls were walking by in bikinis, I missed T.Disc. T.Disc is a addiction and a great one. I took the whole week off last week, and I am paying for it this week. The run felt great on Tuesday, but doing weights in the evening I pushed too hard to quick and now have a undisclosed injury. I was more mad at myself than TDISCKREE was disappointed in me. I am doing everything I can to heal quick so the intense training for red Isle begins.
Rookflick, admiral and myself had a great tough spin class but were really feeling the squats and lunges from yesterday. I felt like rookflick because I have NEVER sweated that much in my life, but it is all good.
I am looking forward to Saturday and letting the chirps start after we go through a few legs on the relay. I know that rookflick will be pushing it hard so he can prove himself and maybe knock off a teammate to fill a spot for the relay!
It is great to be back, and can’t wait for tomorrow…"

Injuries come with training for a triathlon. Today I woke up with what is now called "admiral hamstrings". We try to keep these things just to the team but today this leaked out to the public...
"In a strange turn of events Tdiskree is injured. Recognizign soreness in the Tailbone Tdisckree was self-diagnosed with an injured coccyx. This is the tailbone region. BHM group released the following from to explain to the media the type of injury this is

The coccyx, or tailbone, is the triangular bony structure located at the bottom of the vertebral column. It is composed of three to five bony segments held in place by joints and ligaments.
A coccyx or tailbone injury results in pain and discomfort in the tailbone area (the condition is called coccydynia). These injuries may result in a bruise, dislocation, or break (fracture) of the coccyx. Although they may be slow to heal, the majority of coccyx injuries can be managed with conservative treatment.
Tailbone Injury Causes

Most coccyx injuries are caused by direct trauma to the tailbone area.
* A fall onto the tailbone in the seated position, usually against a hard surface, is the most common cause of coccyx injuries.
* A direct blow to the tailbone, such as those that occur during contact sports, can injure the coccyx.
* The coccyx can be injured or fractured during childbirth.
* Repetitive straining or friction against the coccyx (as happens in bicycling or rowing) can injure the coccyx.

Tdisckree had the following to say : " I had extreme discomfort on an indoor ride on tuesday and have been sore sitting since. I sat on the bike at the TTF today after diagnosing myself and I almost passed out. LEt me make this clear...IT IS NOT A HERMHEROID !" I have had that before and this is much different. I may need pain medication to get me through the Saturday ride."

Oh ya and just to clear up the rumour...It was not Tdisckree streaking downtown. We strongly discourage such acts here at Tdisc.

Tommorow is the big day....The admiral's profile will be posted for all to see. If your a fan of the me...You really don't want to miss this. It will definatly be one for the ages.

Till next time,

“If you want to be a winner, hang around with winners.” -Christopher D. Furman

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