Sunday, April 5, 2009


Alright where to begin? Well...over the last few days i've been really stressed out about hockey and few other things. It has killed my blogging ability. I can't even think when I take my shirt off and sit with the lights off and green tea in hand in front of the computer. It's been a total struggle. Today we lost a heartbreaker in the atlantic championships. I was devastated with the loss...but what it did was make me re-evaluate everything in my life. I came out of that personal meeting with some new goals. Topping the list... my role with Tdisc and as President/ceo of The team has made it clear that they will not baby anyone anymore...time for tough love. Quote from tdisckree "Go ahead...Quit". I've decided to be less of a liability to my teamates and just do my job...train and blog. quote from tdiscadmiral "Just go blog".
Tdisc is back in the full swing of things starting tommorow morning. Tdiscgreggy has been holding strong in the absence of the boys. He's ran 13k but declined to race on the weekend...opting to wait and do it as the big 4. When we hop in the pool in the morning there will be 5....Jason flick will begin his tryout with Tdisc. Odds are he quits twice by the weekend...but we expect him to continue. You will notice a new counter in the right hand column...we will count down the days until Jason Flick's innauguration into Tdisc.
With hockey over, it staying much brighter in the evenings and it being warmer...tdisc will put in a big week. It's now officially the year of the triathlon. 2 months....

Till next time,

"If people around you aren't going anywhere, if their dreams are no bigger than hanging out on the corner, or if they're dragging you down, get rid of them. Negative people can sap your energy so fast, and they can take your dreams from you, too." -Earvin Johnson

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