Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Relaxing Race Day

Due to unforseen circumstances Tdisc has decided to cancel this evenings news conference. Stay tuned for further details.

When the alarm goes off at 5:45 it's just instant devastation. Today wasn't that I was tired it was just like..."I should still be in bed." Waking up to more snow on the ground doesn't make it any easier. With little time to spare I opted for a quick bagel and coffee at Tim's and I was on my way. We arrived at Colonel Gray high school in preparation for a 10k run of the route that will be used for the race on saturday. Today Tdisc showed there strength...after a few days off everyone showed up at 6:30 sharp. Noticeably absent from the run was rookie Jason flick. Noone knows of his where abouts...hopefully over the next few hours we will know more. The run went great....it was a nice and slow pace...with the whole group running together. We all cruised in at around 7:25 am. By the time Tdisc arrived back at the TTF for a shower...word had got out about the absence of Jason Flick. All members declined to address the issue except for Tdisckree. " I take this as a slap in the face. We roll out the red carpet for this rook and he is a no-show on race day. Complete disrespect to the big four...we were looking to give him another pounding on the road on race day. Because he wasn't there today, no one was left behind. What is the fun of raceday if someone doesn't get thumped and left a half kilometer behind ?
Well he's set himself up for imminent death...he either is a no show tommorrow and gets kicked out of his tryout or he does show up and gets lesson #1 in the pool from the Admiral...other wise known as the school of hard knocks. Rumour has it the Admiral is gonna hold Flickers head under water for long periods of time to expand Flickers lunges. I haven't seen it done before but if it works then who knows maybe I'll let the Admiral partially drown me as well a couple times."

Tommorow we are back to the weights with a swim to follow. Hump day is always a highlight of the week. We inch that much closer to another rest day. I've felt terrible all day today but i've come to realize that I just can't work hard on the good days...in order to become a triathlete I have to find a way to get a work out in on the bad days too.

A little trivia...25% of women never get rid of this? answer at the bottem.

till next time,

“Obsessive is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.” ---Unknown

answer:wedding dress

1 comment:

  1. My apologies,

    I forgot to inform the Tdisc squad that Rookie Flick was still in T.O on raceday..but was last seen doing laps of the Pearson airport...
